miércoles, 9 de mayo de 2007

Centrocoris variegatus


Características especiales: Chinches de tamaño mediano a grande, algo alargadas. Usualmente tienen colores oscuros. Muchas especies tienen las patas traseras engrosadas o expandidas con aspecto de hoja vegetal.
Comentarios: Los Coreidos son principalmente fitófagos, aunque algunas especies son predadoras. Tiene glándulas olorosas bien desarrolladas y la mayoría de las especies lanzan un olor distintivo cuando se las manipula.

Coreidae is a large family of insects of the order Hemiptera (the "true bugs"), including some of the largest members (> 4 cm) of the entire order. There are over 1800 species in some 250 genera. They generally resemble shield bugs and include species known as leaf footed bugs and squash bugs. The hind legs are often modified, sometimes in elaborate ways; it appears that males of at least some species use these hind legs in combat over territories. All members of the family are exclusively phytophagous.
Leaf footed bugs usually only hibernate in households during the colder seasons. They live outside and feed on various plants.

La Azohia.Cartagena.04/2007

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