domingo, 19 de agosto de 2007

Convolvulus althaeoides

Género:Convolvulus L.

Son plantas anuales ó perennes de porte herbáceo ó vides y algunas especies de mayor porte arbustos, alcanzando de 0.3 a 3 m de altura. Las hojas se distribuyen en espiral, y las flores tienen forma de trompeta, presentando colores sobre todo blanco o rosado, pero también en azúl, violeta, púrpura o amarillo en algunas especies
They are annual or perennial herbaceous vines and (a few species) woody shrubs, growing to 0.3-3 m tall. The leaves are spirally arranged, and the flowers trumpet-shaped, mostly white or pink, but blue, violet, purple or yellow in some species.
Many of the species are problematic weeds, which can swamp other more valuable plants by climbing over them, but some are also deliberately grown for their attractive flowers.
This species occurs in many temperate regions. They are mostly slender, creeping winding vines. A few are small perennials. They have simple, alternate leaves and wide funnel-shaped flowers.
La Azohia.Cartagena.03/2007

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